Paranormal Activity Wiki

Portrayed by [[Katie Featherston, Sprague Grayden, Chloe Cserngy]]

Also Known As
Thing That Thrives On Fear, Old Man,
Vanished with child Hunter Rey under the possession of Katie
Died in
Cause of death
Unknown Milennia
Summoned Entity of Covens, Collector of first born male chilren
Collector of the child Hunter Rey forwitch Louise, Occupant of Katie's body
Reason tested
Used to grant wealth to family coven ancestors
Kristi Rey (original host, mother of first born child, former friend), Katie (Current Host used to abduct Hunter Rey and murder Daniel Rey and sister Kristi Rey)


Come On Tobi

Kristi following stepfather Dennis' murder calling Tobi the baby collecting demon to join her, Katie and Grandmother Louise

Tobi, A.K.A. The Thing That Thrives On Fear, Asmodeus, or simply The Demon is the central Malevolent Entity occupying the residence of Katie and Micah in Paranormal Activity, the residence of Kristi Rey, her husband Daniel, adoptive daughter Ali and infant son Hunter in Paranormal Activity 2 and the residences of mother Julie along with Katie and Kristi as children whom are her daughters and her husband Dennis and the residence of Grandmother Lois in Paranormal Activity 3.

He is not the only entity inhabiting the residence of Julie, Dennis and Kristi and Katie in 1988 but the only entity inhabiting the residence of Katie and Micah in Pasadena California in 2006 as well as the residence of Kristi, Husband Daniel, Adoptive daughter Ali and baby son Hunter in 2006.

It briefly comes to the resident of secret witch Louise whom is the mother of Julie and grandmother of Kristi and Katie in Carlsbad, California.

